Toko Obat BANSENG since 1933

Bagaimana cara menggodok obat chinese herbal?
(How is a herbal decoction prepared?)
1. Tuang bahan obat herbal kedalam panci stainless, panci keramik, maupun panci tanah liat (panci apa saja boleh kecuali panci alumunium). Tuang air kedalam panci kurang lebih 3 gelas atau sampai obat terendam, kurang lebih 1-2 cm diatas permukaan obat. Rendam obat kira kira 20 menit sampai 1 jam.
(Put the dry, crude herbs in an earthenware or stainless steel pot (avoid include cast iron and aluminium), pour cold water in the pot until the water is 1–2 cm above the herbs, and let the dry, crude herbs soak in the water for at least 1 hour.)
2. Masak obat dengan api besar.
(Afterwards, place the pot on the fire, heating with a strong flame.)

3.  Masak sampai mendidih, kemudian kecilkan apinya, masak kurang lebih 20 menit atau sampai air tersisa kurang lebih 1 gelas.
(When the liquid is boiling, turn the heat down to gentle, cook the herbs for 20 minutes or cook the herb until the liquid is one mug remains.)

4. Setelah obat selesai dimasak. Saring obat dan tuang ke dalam gelas.
(Strain the decoction from the pot.)


5. Jangan buang sisa obat, tuang kembali sekitar 3 gelas air, masak kembali obat dengan cara yang sama. Saring kemudian gabungkan godokkan pertama dan kedua, aduk rata, kemudian bagi kembali ke dua gelas. Obat dapat diminum 2 x : pagi dan sore hari. Hangatkan bila hendak diminum.
(Pour another cold water onto the herbs in the pot and repeat the above cooking method : bring to boil, and then simmer again for another 20 minutes until about one mug of liquid remains. Strain this decoction and then mix the two decoctions together. Finally, divide the decoction into two portions, and drink each portion warmed over the course of the day in two lots.)

Beberapa macam obat yang mahal biasanya dibungkus terpisah, contoh : Hong hua (红花/saffron crocus), ada juga yang berbentuk bubuk yang dibungkus terpisah karena tidak dimasak, contoh : Tian Qi Fen (田七粉), ada pula yang berbentuk gel dan sirup seperti E Jiao (阿胶) yang di aduk bersama godokan obat yang telah selesai dimasak.
Some rare, expensive herbs, such as Hong Hua should be prepared separately. Herbs that are traditionally used in powder form should be added to the prepared decoction without cooking; an example is San Qi (Notoginseng radix) powder. Gels and syrups such as E Jiao (Asini coriicolla), Yi Tang (Maltose) and honey, as well as egg yolks, should also be dissolved in the prepared decoction without cooking.